Employee Sensitivity
Awareness Training Program (4 Hours)
If an employee has been found in breach of your organization's Discrimination and/or Harassment Policy, your organization must avoid future liability and ensure that the conduct does not re-occur. While discipline is one approach, many organizations prefer, either in conjunction with discipline or as an adjunct to it, to send the offending employee for sensitivity training in order to increase his or her awareness of workplace discrimination and harassment.
This training gives an employee the tools to avoid inappropriate workplace behaviour in the future, and conversely provides the employer with the confidence that it has taken progressive, proactive measures to prevent inappropriate conduct in the workplace; should that employee persist with the inappropriate conduct following the training, the employer may be justified in imposing stronger sanctions.
This training is typically conducted by both male and female facilitators—this provides perspective and balance and has proven to be highly effective.
Topics covered in this workshop:
- What does and does not constitute workplace discrimination and harassment
- Review of current human rights legislation
- Development of an understanding of your organization's Discrimination and Harassment Policy, i.e. both its content and scope
- Exploring the reasons why discrimination and harassment exist in the workplace
- Acquiring skills to prevent discrimination and harassment
- Understand the serious nature and consequences of discriminatory and harassing behavior
As with all our workshops, content is tailored to ensure that your organization’s learning objectives are fully achieved. |