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We work with our clients to address their challenges, help meet their legal responsibility, minimize their liability, and ensure their workplace is a healthy and productive one: transforming hostile work environments through training and conflict resolution. To achieve these goals, all of our programs are customized to meet our client's specific needs.

Areas of Service:

Policy Development

Policies provide a roadmap for the organization and its members. They ensure that matters are dealt with fairly, and in a consistent fashion.

Workplace Assessment

The Integrity Group routinely undertakes what is known as a “workplace assessment” when an employee lodges a complaint about misconduct or there are interpersonal conflicts that are seriously impacting his or her workplace.

Program Development

Employers that recognize the importance of anti-harassment and anti-discrimination policies, and programs designed to address bullying or other respectful workplace issues call The Integrity Group.

Workshops & Training

The Integrity Group Offers a range of workshops and training sessions.


Coaching allows for focused reflection, issue prioritizing, and goal identification through one-on-one sessions.


The Integrity Group is always available to create and present customized seminars and workshops on any issues of interest within these areas.

Independent Investigation

The Integrity Group conducts prompt, cost-effective independent investigations into allegations of hostile work environments including sexual and other types of harassment, discrimination and workplace violence.

Violence in the Workplace

The Integrity Group conducts sensitivity seminars and also has access to specialized personnel such as threat assessment experts who can identify real safety risks and implement preventative measures.

Conflict Resolutions and Mediation

The Integrity Group's conflict resolution services are provided by formally trained, experienced professionals to assist organizations in the resolution of workplace disputes.

Ombuds Services

On occasion, an employee may need to speak confidentially with a third-party in order to address a sensitive workplace issue or problem.

Contact us for more information.

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Integrity Group had been around since 1996 in North America
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The Integrity Group, Vancouver, BC, are experts and professional Lawyers in Human Rights Law Consulting within North America (Canada and the United States). Helping companies to become a respectful workplace by preventing discrimination in the workplace, psychological harassment, bullying, workplace aggression & abuse, and sexual harassment. Offering policy development, workplace harassment coaching, harassment independent investigations, diversity in the workplace, Human Rights training for prevention, workshops and seminars, conflict resolution, facilitation, mediation, debriefing, interventions, and ombuds services.